1 min to read
Illuminated Computer Keys
Some keys of the keyboard are illuminated when they are switched on.

What is an Illuminated Keyboard
These days, more and more computer keyboards have illuminated keys. This can be in different colors, for all the keys, or just the ones that are active. This allows the user to use the keyboard in the dark or to see which keys are active.
Dots of light on certain keys inform the user which keys are active. When they are not active, the user can still guess that they can be activated or deactivated by seeing a dot with no light.
The icons on the keys help understand what the key modifies.
Seeing light or no light on the key is a feedback.
What’s more, for certain keys, those illuminated in orange, an icon appears on the screen after press it. Then, if the user had not fully understood the icon present on the key, this confirms his action.
Lockin System
If the power key is pressed lightly, the computer will not shut down. Only a long press turns the computer off. This prevents the user from making a mistake when he wants to press another key.