The Beginner Friendly Of Gaming Controller

How game controller is design to help new player

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Logicool Wireless Gamepad F710

This gaming controller is used for playing video games on your Personal Computer. It copies the layout out of a typical X-box controller. The game controller is powered by 2 AA batteries and a dongle to be played without wires. The design of the controller make it a so a new player know how to operate it.


The arrow on the D-pad helps you to navigate the menu. Arrow usually shows the direction of where you want to go. So with the 4-way D-pad, the user can easily understand what to push when in the menu screen. Next is the logo. When seeing the “Logicool” logo, the user should know which direction is the right side up to grip the controller.


When you hold the controller, the thumbsticks afford to use your thumbs (or other fingers depending on a user’s preferences) to move them around. THe joystick also can move in conjunction with your thumb making navigating the game a lot easier.